Website www.picabia.com published by :
Comité Picabia
26 Rue Danielle Casanova
F-75002 Paris
Tel/Fax : +33 1 42 60 23 78
Association Loi 1901
Publication manager :
M. Pierre CALTE
Tel : +33 1 42 60 23 78
Webmaster :
Tel : +33 6 83 16 50 90
Website hosted by :
10 rue Louis de Broglie
CS 52383
44323 NANTES cedex 3
All elements, information, data, brands, logos, etc. present on this website are the exclusive property of the Picabia Committee and are protected by copyright.
Unless otherwise mentioned, copying, broadcast, modification or reproduction, in whole or in part, of all or part, of the elements of this website are prohibited without the prior express authorization of the Picabia Committee.
Violation of these provisions shall constitute an infringement of the spirit of the Intellectual Property Code, and it shall subject any violator to the criminal and legal penalties provided for under French law.
For any authorization :
For any king of information about reproduction rights you may conctact the French collective administration for the rights of authors in the visual art : ADAGP
Tel : +33 1 43 59 09 79